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Introduction to Pages

A Page is a fundamental element in Rapid Platform. Consider a broad analogy of a blank page of a notebook. You can write something on a page and then this page can be read by others. Similarly, in Rapid Platform parlance, a page can be considered as an area to host components.

Rapid Platform features components like Gantt Charts, Kanban Boards, Data Tables, Activity feeds, Forms, PowerBI Reports etc.

All of these can be configured on a page for data presentation.

You can learn more about Pages, Layout and Component here.

Key concepts for Pages in Designer

It is important to understand some key terms and concepts about Pages in Designer. Click here to the basics about Pages in Designer.

Configuring the Item Details Page and Item Creation Page

With each Data Table, there are some default pages which are created. One of these is the Details Page. Configuring the Details Page defines how the details of the item will appear to the System User.

Further, you can also configure the Create Screen breakpoint. This defines what information could be entered by the System User to create an item in the Data Table.

Click here to learn about how to configure Item Details and Create Screen.